வியாழன், 9 மே, 2019

Modernisation of Ensineerinf Work­shop at Arakkomam338. 

 SHRI O. V. ALAGESAN: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleas­ed to state:(a) the total cost of modernisation of the Engineering Workshops at Arakkonam on the Southern Railway for replacement of old machinery By new one etc.;(b) the amount actually spent in1977-78 and amount proposed to be spent in *1978-79;(c) is there any scheme for diversi­fication in the above workshop to

gainfully employ the present labour and also to provide more employmentopportunities?THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI SHEO NARAIN): (a) Totalcost of replacement of machinary of the Engineering workshop at Arak- konara is estimate^ to be Rs. 89.00 lakhs approximately.(b) Rs. 4.25 lakhs were spent in1977-78 and Rs. 21.00 lakhs have been provided in the Railway budget for1978-79.(c) Present capacity of the work­shop is fully utilised. There is how­ever, no proposal for further expan­sion /diversification.

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